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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


    Methods and Objects to describe raster classifications
    Date                 : Juli 2017
    Copyright            : (C) 2017 by Benjamin Jakimow
    Email                :
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                         *

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import os, json, pickle, warnings, csv, re, sys
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
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from qps.utils import gdalDataset, nextColor, loadUIFormClass, findMapLayer, registeredMapLayers

loadClassificationUI = lambda name: loadUIFormClass(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), name))

DEFAULT_FIRST_COLOR = QColor('#a6cee3')

MIMEDATA_KEY = 'hub-classscheme'
MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT = 'text/plain'
MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs = 'classinfo_ids'

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def findMapLayersWithClassInfo()->list:
    Returns QgsMapLayers from which a ClassificationScheme can be derived.
    Searches in all QgsMapLayerStores known to classification.MAP_LAYER_STORES
    :return: [list-of-QgsMapLayer]

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    results = []
    for lyr in registeredMapLayers():
        if isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer) and isinstance(lyr.renderer(), QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer):
        elif isinstance(lyr, QgsRasterLayer) and isinstance(lyr.renderer(), QgsPalettedRasterRenderer):
    return results

def hasClassification(pathOrDataset):
    This function tests if a gdal-readable raster data set contains
    categorical information that can be used to retrieve a ClassificationScheme
    :param pathOrDataset: string | gdal.Dataset
    :return: True | False
    ds = None
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        if isinstance(pathOrDataset, gdal.Dataset):
            ds = pathOrDataset
        elif isinstance(pathOrDataset, str):
            ds = gdal.Open(pathOrDataset)
        elif isinstance(ds, QgsRasterLayer):
            ds = gdal.Open(ds.source())
    except Exception as ex:

    if not isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset):
        return False

    for b in range(ds.RasterCount):
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1)
        assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
        if band.GetCategoryNames() or band.GetColorTable():
            return True
    return False

def getTextColorWithContrast(c:QColor)->QColor:
    Returns a QColor with good contrast to c
    :param c: QColor
    :return: QColor
    assert isinstance(c, QColor)
    if c.lightness() < 0.5:
        return QColor('white')
        return QColor('black')

class ClassInfo(QObject):
    sigSettingsChanged = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, label=0, name=None, color=None, parent=None):
        super(ClassInfo, self).__init__(parent)

        if name is None:
            name = 'Unclassified' if label == 0 else 'Class {}'.format(label)

        if color is None:
            if label == 0:
                color = DEFAULT_UNCLASSIFIEDCOLOR
                color = DEFAULT_FIRST_COLOR

        self.mName = name
        self.mLabel = label
        self.mColor = color
        if color:

    def setLabel(self, label:int):
        Sets the label value.
        :param label: int, must be >= 0
        assert isinstance(label, int)
        assert label >= 0
        self.mLabel = label

    def label(self)->int:
        Returns the class label values
        :return: int
        return self.mLabel

    def color(self)->QColor:
        Returns the class color.
        :return: QColor
        return QColor(self.mColor)

    def name(self)->str:
        Returns the class name
        :return: str
        return self.mName

    def setColor(self, color:QColor):
        Sets the class color.
        :param color: QColor
        assert isinstance(color, QColor)
        self.mColor = color

    def setName(self, name:str):
        Sets thes class name
        :param name: str
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        self.mName = name

    def pixmap(self, *args)->QPixmap:
        Returns a QPixmap. Default size is 20x20px
        :param args: QPixmap arguments.
        :return: QPixmap
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = (QSize(20, 20),)

        pm = QPixmap(*args)
        return pm

    def icon(self, *args)->QIcon:
        Returns the class color as QIcon
        :param args: QPixmap arguments
        :return: QIcon
        return QIcon(self.pixmap(*args))

    def clone(self):
        Create a copy of this ClassInfo
        :return: ClassInfo
        return ClassInfo(name=self.mName, color=self.mColor)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ClassInfo):
            return False
        return other.mName == self.mName and \
               other.mLabel == self.mLabel and \
               other.mColor.getRgb() == self.mColor.getRgb()

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'ClassInfo' + self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} "{}" ({})'.format(self.mLabel, self.mName,

    def json(self)->str:
        return json.dumps([self.label(),, self.color().name()])

    def fromJSON(self, jsonString:str):
            label, name, color = json.loads(jsonString)
            color = QColor(color)
            return ClassInfo(label=label, name=name, color=color)
            return None

class ClassificationScheme(QAbstractTableModel):

    sigClassesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list)
    #sigClassRemoved = pyqtSignal(ClassInfo, int)
    #sigClassAdded = pyqtSignal(ClassInfo, int)
    sigClassesAdded = pyqtSignal(list)
    sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str)

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    def __init__(self, name : str = None):
        super(ClassificationScheme, self).__init__()
        self.mClasses = []
        self.mName = name
        self.mIsEditable = True

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        if name is None:
            name = 'Classification'

        self.mColColor = 'Color'
        self.mColName = 'Name'
        self.mColLabel = 'Label'

    def setIsEditable(self, b:bool):
        Sets if class names and colors can be changed
        :param b: bool
        if b != self.mIsEditable:
            self.mIsEditable = True
                             self.createIndex(self.rowCount()-1, self.columnCount()-1))

    def isEditable(self)->bool:
        Returns if class names and colors can be changed.
        :return: bool
        return self.mIsEditable

    def columnNames(self)->list:
        Returns the column names.
        :return: [list-of-str]
        return [self.mColLabel, self.mColName, self.mColColor]

    def dropMimeData(self, mimeData:QMimeData, action:Qt.DropAction, row:int, column:int, parent:QModelIndex):
        if row == -1:
            row = parent.row()
        if action == Qt.MoveAction:
            if MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs in mimeData.formats():
                ba = bytes(
                ids = pickle.loads(ba)

                classesToBeMoved = [c for c in self if id(c) in ids]
                for c in reversed(classesToBeMoved):
                    idx = self.classInfo2index(c)

                    #self.beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx.row(), idx.row(), QModelIndex(), row)
                    del self.mClasses[idx.row()]
                    self.mClasses.insert(row, c)
                return True
        elif action == Qt.CopyAction:
            if MIMEDATA_KEY in mimeData.formats():
                cs = ClassificationScheme.fromQByteArray(
                self.insertClasses(cs[:], row)

        return False

    def mimeData(self, indexes)->QMimeData:
        Returns class infos as QMimeData.
        :param indexes:

        if indexes is None:
            indexes = [self.createIndex(r, 0) for r in range(len(self))]

        classes = [self[idx.row()] for idx in indexes]
        cs = ClassificationScheme()
        mimeData = QMimeData()
        mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_KEY, cs.qByteArray())
        mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs, QByteArray(pickle.dumps([id(c) for c in classes ])))
        return mimeData

    def mimeTypes(self)->list:
        Returns a list of supported mimeTypes.
        :return: [list-of-str]

    def rowCount(self, parent:QModelIndex=None):
        Returns the number of row / ClassInfos.
        :param parent: QModelIndex
        :return: int
        return len(self.mClasses)

    def columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex=None):
        return len(self.columnNames())

    def index2ClassInfo(self, index)->ClassInfo:
        if isinstance(index, QModelIndex):
            index = index.row()
        return self.mClasses[index]

    def classInfo2index(self, classInfo:ClassInfo)->QModelIndex:
        row = self.mClasses.index(classInfo)
        return self.createIndex(row, 0)

    def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        value = None
        col = index.column()
        row = index.row()
        classInfo = self.index2ClassInfo(row)

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if col == 0:
                return classInfo.label()
            if col == 1:
            if col == 2:
                return classInfo.color().name()

        if role == Qt.ForegroundRole:
            if col == self.mColColor:
                return QBrush(getTextColorWithContrast(classInfo.color()))

        if role == Qt.BackgroundColorRole:
            if col == 2:
                return QBrush(classInfo.color())

        if role == Qt.AccessibleTextRole:
            if col == 0:
                return str(classInfo.label())
            if col == 1:
            if col == 2:
                return classInfo.color().name()

        if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
            if col == 0:
                return 'Class label "{}"'.format(classInfo.label())
            if col == 1:
                return 'Class name "{}"'.format(
            if col == 2:
                return 'Class color "{}"'.format(classInfo.color().name())

        if role == Qt.EditRole:
            if col == 1:
            if col == 2:
                return classInfo.color()

        if role == Qt.UserRole:
            return classInfo

        return None

    def supportedDragActions(self):
        return Qt.MoveAction

    def supportedDropActions(self):
        return Qt.MoveAction | Qt.CopyAction

    def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role: int):
        if not index.isValid():
            return False

        col = index.column()
        row = index.row()
        classInfo = self.index2ClassInfo(row)
        b = False
        if role == Qt.EditRole:
            if col == 1:
                b = True
            if col == 2:
                b = True
        if b:
            self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [role])
        return False

    def flags(self, index: QModelIndex):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.NoItemFlags
        col = index.column()

        flags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
        if self.mIsEditable:
            flags |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
            if col == 1:
                flags |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
        return flags

    def headerData(self, section: int, orientation: Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole):

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
                return self.columnNames()[section]

        return super(ClassificationScheme, self).headerData(section, orientation, role)

    def setName(self, name:str='')->str:
        Sets ClassificationScheme name
        :param name: str
        :return: str, the name
        b = name != self.mName
        self.mName = name
        if b:
        return self.mName

    def name(self)->str:
        Returns the ClassificationScheme name
        return self.mName

    def json(self)->str:
        Returns a JSON string of this ClassificationScheme which can be deserialized with ClassificationScheme.fromJSON()
        :return: str, JSON string
        data = {'name':self.mName,
                'classes':[(c.label(),, c.color().name()) for c in self]

        return json.dumps(data)

    def pickle(self)->bytes:
        Serializes this ClassificationScheme a byte object, which can be deserializes with ClassificationScheme.fromPickle()
        :return: bytes
        return pickle.dumps(self.json())

    def qByteArray(self)->QByteArray:
        Serializes this ClassicationScheme as QByteArray.
        Can be deserialized with ClassificationScheme.fromQByteArray()
        :return: QByteArray
        return QByteArray(self.pickle())

    def fromQByteArray(array:QByteArray):
        return ClassificationScheme.fromPickle(bytes(array))

    def fromPickle(pkl:bytes):
        return ClassificationScheme.fromJson(pickle.loads(pkl))

    def fromFile(p:str):
            if os.path.isfile(p):
                if p.endswith('.json'):
                    jsonStr = None
                    with open(p, 'r') as f:
                        jsonStr =
                    return ClassificationScheme.fromJson(jsonStr)

        except Exception as ex:
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            print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
        return None

    def fromJson(jsonStr:str):
            data = json.loads(jsonStr)

            s = ""
            cs = ClassificationScheme(name= data['name'])
            classes = []
            for classData in data['classes']:
                label, name, colorName = classData
                classes.append(ClassInfo(label=label, name=name, color=QColor(colorName)))
            return cs
        except Exception as ex:
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            print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
            return None

    def rasterRenderer(self, band=0)->QgsPalettedRasterRenderer:
        Returns the ClassificationScheme as QgsPalettedRasterRenderer
        :return: ClassificationScheme
        #DUMMY_RASTERINTERFACE = QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer(None, 0)

        classes = []
        for classInfo in self:
            qgsClass = QgsPalettedRasterRenderer.Class(
        renderer = QgsPalettedRasterRenderer(None, band, classes)
        return renderer

    def fromRasterRenderer(renderer:QgsRasterRenderer):
        Extracts a ClassificatonScheme from a QgsRasterRenderer
        :param renderer: QgsRasterRenderer
        :return: ClassificationScheme
        if not isinstance(renderer, QgsPalettedRasterRenderer):
            return None

        classes = []
        for qgsClass in renderer.classes():
            classInfo = ClassInfo(label=qgsClass.value,

        cs = ClassificationScheme()

        return cs

    def featureRenderer(self)->QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer:
        Returns the ClassificationScheme as QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
        :return: ClassificationScheme

        r = QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer('dummy', [])

        for c in self:
            assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
            symbol = QgsMarkerSymbol()
            cat = QgsRendererCategory(c.label(), symbol,, render=True)
        return r

    def fromFeatureRenderer(renderer:QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer):
        Extracts a ClassificatonScheme from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
        :param renderer: QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
        :return: ClassificationScheme
        if not isinstance(renderer, QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer):
            return None
        classes = []
        for cat in sorted(renderer.categories(), key = lambda c:c.value()):
            assert isinstance(cat, QgsRendererCategory)
            c = ClassInfo(name=cat.label(), color=QColor(cat.symbol().color()))
        cs = ClassificationScheme()
        return cs

    def clear(self):
        Removes all ClassInfos
        self.beginRemoveColumns(QModelIndex(), 0, self.rowCount()-1)
        removed = self.mClasses[:]
        del self.mClasses[:]

    def clone(self):
        return self.copy()

    def copy(self):
        Create a copy of this ClassificationScheme
        cs = ClassificationScheme()
        classes = [c.clone() for c in self.mClasses]
        cs.insertClasses(classes, 0)
        return cs

    def __getitem__(self, slice):
        return self.mClasses[slice]

    def __delitem__(self, slice):
        classes = self[slice]

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.mClasses

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mClasses)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mClasses)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not (isinstance(other, ClassificationScheme) and len(self) == len(other)):
            return False
        return all(self[i] == other[i] for i in range(len(self)))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__() + '{} classes'.format(len(self))

    def range(self):
        Returns the class label range (min,max).
        labels = self.classLabels()
        return min(labels), max(labels)

    def classNames(self):
        Returns all class names.
        :return: [list-of-class-names (str)]
        return [ for c in self.mClasses]

    def classColors(self):
        Returns all class color.
        :return: [list-of-class-colors (QColor)]
        return [QColor(c.color()) for c in self.mClasses]

    def classLabels(self)->list:
        Returns the list of class labels [0,...,n-1]
        :return: [list-of-int]
        return [c.label() for c in self.mClasses]

    def classColorArray(self)->np.ndarray:
        Returns the RGBA class-colors as array
        :return: numpy.ndarray([nClasses,4])
        return np.asarray([c.color().getRgb() for c in self])

    def gdalColorTable(self)->gdal.ColorTable:
        Returns the class colors as GDAL Color Table
        :return: gdal.Colortable
        ct = gdal.ColorTable()
        for i, c in enumerate(self):
            assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
            ct.SetColorEntry(i, c.mColor.getRgb())
        return ct

    def _updateLabels(self):
        Assigns class labels according to the ClassInfo position
        for i, c in enumerate(self.mClasses):
            c.mLabel = i
                              [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.ToolTipRole])
        s = ""

    def removeClasses(self, classes):
        Removes as single ClassInfo or a list of ClassInfos.
        :param classes: ClassInfo or [list-of-ClassInfo-to-remove]
        :returns: [list-of-removed-ClassInfo]
        if isinstance(classes, ClassInfo):
            classes = [classes]
        assert isinstance(classes, list)

        removedIndices = []
        for c in classes:
            assert c in self.mClasses

        removedIndices = list(reversed(sorted(removedIndices)))
        removedClasses = []
        for i in removedIndices:
            c = self.mClasses[i]
            self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i)

    def createClasses(self, n:int):
        Creates n new classes with default an default initialization.
        Can be used to populate the ClassificationScheme.
        :param n: int, number of classes to add.
        assert isinstance(n, int)
        assert n >= 0
        classes = []

        if len(self) > 0:
            nextCol = nextColor(self[-1].color())
            nextCol = DEFAULT_FIRST_COLOR

        for i in range(n):
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            j = len(self) + i
            if j == 0:
                color = QColor('black')
                name = 'Unclassified'
                color = QColor(nextCol)
                nextCol = nextColor(nextCol)
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                name = 'Class {}'.format(j)
            classes.append(ClassInfo(name=name, color=color))

    def addClasses(self, classes, index=None):
        warnings.warn('use insertClasses()', DeprecationWarning)
        self.insertClasses(classes, index=index)

    def insertClasses(self, classes, index=None):
        Adds / inserts a list of ClassInfos
        :param classes: [list-of-ClassInfo]
        :param index: int, index to insert the first of the new classes.
                           defaults to len(ClassificationScheme)

        if isinstance(classes, ClassInfo):
            classes = [ClassInfo]

        assert isinstance(classes, list)
        if len(classes) == 0:

        for c in classes:
            assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
            assert id(c) not in [id(c) for c in self.mClasses], 'You cannot add the same ClassInfo instance to a ClassificationScheme twice. Create a copy first.'

        if index is None:
            #default: add new classes to end of list
            index = len(self.mClasses)
        #negative index? insert to beginning
        index = max(index, 0)

        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index+len(classes)-1)
        for i, c in enumerate(classes):
            assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
            index = index + i
            self.mClasses.insert(index, c)

    #sigClassInfoChanged = pyqtSignal(ClassInfo)
    #def onClassInfoSettingChanged(self, *args):
    #    self.sigClassInfoChanged.emit(self.sender())

    def classIndexFromValue(self, value, matchSimilarity=False)->int:
        Get a values and returns the index of ClassInfo that matches best to.
        :param value: any
        :return: int
        classNames = self.classNames()
        i = -1

        #1. match on identity
        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            i = int(value)

        elif isinstance(value, str):
            if value in classNames:
                i = classNames.index(value)

        #2. not found? match on similarity
        if i == -1 and matchSimilarity == True:
            if isinstance(value, (int, float)):

            elif isinstance(value, str):
                if value in classNames:
                    i = classNames.index(value)
        return i

    def classFromValue(self, value, matchSimilarity=False)->ClassInfo:
        i = self.classIndexFromValue(value, matchSimilarity=matchSimilarity)
        if i != -1:
            return self[i]
            return None

    def addClass(self, c, index=None):
        warnings.warn('Use insert class', DeprecationWarning)

    def insertClass(self, c, index=None):
        Adds a ClassInfo
        :param c: ClassInfo
        :param index: int, index to add the ClassInfo. Defaults to the end.
        assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
        self.insertClasses([c], index=index)

    def saveToRasterBand(self, band:gdal.Band):
        Saves the ClassificationScheme to the gdal.Band.
        ClassInfo names are stored by gdal.Band.SetCategoryNames and colors as gdal.ColorTable.
        :param band: gdal.Band
        assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
        ct = gdal.ColorTable()
        cat = []
        for i, classInfo in enumerate(self.mClasses):
            c = classInfo.mColor
            assert isinstance(c, QColor)
            rgba = (,,, c.alpha())
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            ct.SetColorEntry(i, rgba)


    def saveToRaster(self, path, bandIndex=0):
        Saves this ClassificationScheme to an raster image
        :param path: path (str) of raster image or gdal.Dataset instance
        :param bandIndex: band index of raster band to set this ClassificationScheme.
                          Defaults to 0 = the first band
        if isinstance(path, str):
            ds = gdal.Open(path)
        elif isinstance(path, gdal.Dataset):
            ds = path

        assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
        assert ds.RasterCount < bandIndex
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(bandIndex + 1)

        ds = None

    def toString(self, sep=';')->str:
        A quick dump of all ClassInfos
        :param sep: value separator, ';' by default
        :return: str
        lines = ['ClassificationScheme("{}")'.format(]
        lines += [sep.join(['label', 'name', 'color'])]
        for classInfo in self.mClasses:
            c = classInfo.color()
            info = [classInfo.label(),,]
            info = ['{}'.format(v) for v in info]
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def saveToCsv(self, path:str, sep:str=';', mode:str = None)->str:
        Saves the ClassificationScheme as CSV table.
        :param path: str, path of CSV file
        :param sep: separator (';' by default)
        :returns: the path of written file (if something was written)
        if mode == None:
            lines = self.toString(sep=sep)
            with open(path, 'w') as f:

            return path

        return None

    def saveToJson(self, path:str, mode:str=None)->str:
        Save the ClassificationScheme as JSON file.
        :param path: str, path of JSON file
        :return: path of written file
        if mode == None:
            lines = self.json()
            with open(path, 'w') as f:
            return path

        return None

    def create(n):
        Create a ClassificationScheme with n classes (including 'Unclassified' with label = 0)
        :param n: number of classes including 'Unclassified'
        :return: ClassificationScheme
        s = ClassificationScheme()
        return s

    def fromMimeData(mimeData:QMimeData):

        if not isinstance(mimeData, QMimeData):
            return None

        if MIMEDATA_KEY in mimeData.formats():
            ba = ClassificationScheme.fromQByteArray(
            if isinstance(ba, ClassificationScheme):
                return ba
        if MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT in mimeData.formats():

            ba = ClassificationScheme.fromQByteArray(
            if isinstance(ba, ClassificationScheme):
                return ba

        return None

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    def fromMapLayer(layer:QgsMapLayer):

        :param layer:
        scheme = None
        if isinstance(layer, QgsRasterLayer):
            scheme = ClassificationScheme.fromRasterRenderer(layer.renderer())
            if not isinstance(scheme, ClassificationScheme):