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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
    Date                 : August 2017
    Copyright            : (C) 2017 by Benjamin Jakimow
    Email                :
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                         *
import os, collections

import numpy as np
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
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from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
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from qps.utils import *
from qps.models import *
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from qps.classification.classificationscheme import ClassInfo, ClassificationScheme

class SourceValueSet(object):
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    def __init__(self, source, point:SpatialPoint):
        assert isinstance(point, SpatialPoint)
        self.source = source
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        self.point = point

    def baseName(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.source)

    def crs(self):
        return QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(self.wktCrs)

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class RasterValueSet(SourceValueSet):

    class BandInfo(object):
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        def __init__(self, bandIndex, bandValue, bandName, classInfo=None):
            assert bandIndex >= 0
            if bandValue is not None:
                assert type(bandValue) in [float, int]
            if bandName is not None:

            self.bandIndex = bandIndex
            self.bandValue = bandValue
            self.bandName = bandName
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            self.classInfo = classInfo
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    def __init__(self, source, point, pxPosition):
        assert isinstance(pxPosition, QPoint)
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        super(RasterValueSet, self).__init__(source, point)
        self.pxPosition = pxPosition
        self.noDataValue = None
        self.bandValues = []

class VectorValueSet(SourceValueSet):
    class FeatureInfo(object):
        def __init__(self, fid):
            assert isinstance(fid, int)
            self.fid = fid
            self.attributes = collections.OrderedDict()

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    def __init__(self, source, point:SpatialPoint):
        super(VectorValueSet, self).__init__(source, point)
        self.features = []

    def addFeatureInfo(self, featureInfo):
        assert isinstance(featureInfo, VectorValueSet.FeatureInfo)

class CursorLocationInfoModel(TreeModel):
    ALWAYS_EXPAND = 'always'
    NEVER_EXPAND = 'never'
    REMAINDER = 'reminder'

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(CursorLocationInfoModel, self).__init__(parent)

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        self.mColumnNames = ['Band/Field', 'Value', 'Description']
        self.mExpandedNodeRemainder = {}
        self.mNodeExpansion = CursorLocationInfoModel.REMAINDER

    def setNodeExpansion(self, type):

        assert type in [CursorLocationInfoModel.ALWAYS_EXPAND,
        self.mNodeExpansion = type

    def setExpandedNodeRemainder(self, node=None):
        treeView = self.mTreeView
        assert isinstance(treeView, QTreeView)
        if node is None:
            for n in self.mRootNode.childNodes():
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            self.mExpandedNodeRemainder[self.weakNodeId(node)] = self.mTreeView.isExpanded(self.node2idx(node))
            for n in node.childNodes():
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    def weakNodeId(self, node):
        assert isinstance(node, TreeNode)
        n =
        while node.parentNode() != self.mRootNode:
            node = node.parentNode()
            n += '{}:{}'.format(, n)
        return n

    def flags(self, index):

        return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable

    def addSourceValues(self, sourceValueSet):
        if not isinstance(sourceValueSet, SourceValueSet):

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        # get-or-create node
        def gocn(root, name)->TreeNode:
            assert isinstance(root, TreeNode)
            n = TreeNode(root, name)
            weakId = self.weakNodeId(n)

            expand = False
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            if not isinstance(root.parentNode(), TreeNode):
                expand = True
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                if self.mNodeExpansion == CursorLocationInfoModel.REMAINDER:
                    expand = self.mExpandedNodeRemainder.get(weakId, False)
                elif self.mNodeExpansion == CursorLocationInfoModel.NEVER_EXPAND:
                    expand = False
                elif self.mNodeExpansion == CursorLocationInfoModel.ALWAYS_EXPAND:
                    expand = True

            self.mTreeView.setExpanded(self.node2idx(n), expand)
            return n

        bn = os.path.basename(sourceValueSet.source)

        if isinstance(sourceValueSet, RasterValueSet):
            root = gocn(self.mRootNode, name=bn)
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            # add subnodes
            n = gocn(root, 'Pixel')
            n.setValues('{},{}'.format(sourceValueSet.pxPosition.x(), sourceValueSet.pxPosition.y()))

            for bv in sourceValueSet.bandValues:
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                if isinstance(bv, RasterValueSet.BandInfo):
                    n = gocn(root, 'Band {}'.format(bv.bandIndex + 1))
                    n.setToolTip('Band {} {}'.format(bv.bandIndex + 1, bv.bandName).strip())
                    n.setValues([bv.bandValue, bv.bandName])
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                    if isinstance(bv.classInfo, ClassInfo):
                        nc = gocn(root, 'Class')

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                elif isinstance(bv, QColor):
                    n = gocn(root, 'Color')
                    n.setToolTip('Color selected from screen pixel')

        if isinstance(sourceValueSet, VectorValueSet):
            if len(sourceValueSet.features) == 0:
            root = gocn(self.mRootNode, name=bn)
            refFeature = sourceValueSet.features[0]
            assert isinstance(refFeature, QgsFeature)
            typeName = QgsWkbTypes.displayString(refFeature.geometry().wkbType()).lower()
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            if 'polygon' in typeName:
            elif 'line' in typeName:
            if 'point' in typeName:

            for field in refFeature.fields():
                assert isinstance(field, QgsField)

                fieldNode = gocn(root,

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                for i, feature in enumerate(sourceValueSet.features):
                    assert isinstance(feature, QgsFeature)
                    nf = gocn(fieldNode, name='{}'.format(
                    nf.setValues([feature.attribute(, field.typeName()])
                    nf.setToolTip('Value of feature "{}" in field with name "{}"'.format(,

        s = ""

    def clear(self):
        self.mRootNode.removeChildNodes(0, self.mRootNode.childCount())

class ComboBoxOption(object):
    def __init__(self, value, name=None, tooltip=None, icon=None):
        self.value = value = str(value) if name is None else str(name)
        self.tooltip = tooltip
        self.icon = icon

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    ComboBoxOption('VISIBLE', 'Visible', 'Visible bands only.'),
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    ComboBoxOption('ALL', 'All', 'All raster bands.'),
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    ComboBoxOption('TOP_LAYER', 'Top layer', 'Show values of the top-most map layer only.'),
    ComboBoxOption('ALL_LAYERS', 'All layers', 'Show values of all map layers.')

    ComboBoxOption('ALL', 'Raster and Vector', 'Show values of both, raster and vector layers.'),
    ComboBoxOption('VECTOR', 'Vector only', 'Show values of vector layers only.'),
    ComboBoxOption('RASTER', 'Raster only', 'Show values of raster layers only.')
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class ComboBoxOptionModel(QAbstractListModel):

    def __init__(self, options, parent=None, ):
        super(ComboBoxOptionModel, self).__init__(parent)
        assert isinstance(options, list)

        for o in options:
            assert isinstance(o, ComboBoxOption)

        self.mOptions = options

    def rowCount(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
        return len(self.mOptions)

    def columnCount(self, QModelIndex_parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
        return 1

    def index2option(self, index):

        if isinstance(index, QModelIndex) and index.isValid():
            return self.mOptions[index.row()]
        elif isinstance(index, int):
            return self.mOptions[index]
        return None

    def option2index(self, option):
        assert option in self.mOptions
        return self.mOptions.index(option)

    def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        option = self.index2option(index)
        assert isinstance(option, ComboBoxOption)
        value = None
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            value =
        if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
            value = option.tooltip
        if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
            value = option.icon
        if role == Qt.UserRole:
            value = option
        return value

class CursorLocationInfoDock(QDockWidget,
    sigLocationRequest = pyqtSignal()
    sigCursorLocationInfoAdded = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
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        # super(CursorLocationValueWidget, self).__init__(parent)
        # Set up the user interface from Designer.
        # After setupUI you can access any designer object by doing
        # self.<objectname>, and you can use autoconnect slots - see
        # #widgets-and-dialogs-with-auto-connect

        self.mMaxPoints = 1
        self.mLocationHistory = []

        self.mCrs = None
        self.mCanvases = []


        self.mLocationInfoModel = CursorLocationInfoModel(parent=self.treeView)

        self.mLayerModeModel = ComboBoxOptionModel(LAYERMODES, parent=self)
        self.mLayerTypeModel = ComboBoxOptionModel(LAYERTYPES, parent=self)
        self.mRasterBandsModel = ComboBoxOptionModel(RASTERBANDS, parent=self)



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            lambda: self.btnRasterBands.setDefaultAction(self.actionAllRasterBands))
            lambda: self.btnRasterBands.setDefaultAction(self.actionVisibleRasterBands))

    def options(self):

        layerType = self.mLayerTypeModel.index2option(self.cbLayerTypes.currentIndex()).value
        layerMode = self.mLayerModeModel.index2option(self.cbLayerModes.currentIndex()).value
        rasterBands = self.mRasterBandsModel.index2option(self.cbRasterBands.currentIndex()).value

        return (layerMode, layerType, rasterBands)

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    def loadCursorLocation(self, point:SpatialPoint, canvas:QgsMapCanvas):
        :param point:
        :param canvas:
        assert isinstance(canvas, QgsMapCanvas)
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        assert isinstance(point, SpatialPoint)
        crs = canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs()
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    def reloadCursorLocation(self):
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        Call to load / re-load the data for the cursor location
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        ptInfo = self.cursorLocation()
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        if not isinstance(ptInfo, SpatialPoint) or len(self.mCanvases) == 0:

        mode, type, rasterbands = self.options()

        def layerFilter(canvas):
            assert isinstance(canvas, QgsMapCanvas)
            lyrs = canvas.layers()
            if type == 'VECTOR':
                lyrs = [l for l in lyrs if isinstance(l, QgsVectorLayer)]
            if type == 'RASTER':
                lyrs = [l for l in lyrs if isinstance(l, QgsRasterLayer)]

            return lyrs

        lyrs = []
        for c in self.mCanvases:


        for l in lyrs:
            assert isinstance(l, QgsMapLayer)
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            if mode == 'TOP_LAYER' and self.mLocationInfoModel.mRootNode.childCount() > 0:
                s = ""
            assert isinstance(l, QgsMapLayer)
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            pointLyr = ptInfo.toCrs(
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            if not (isinstance(pointLyr, SpatialPoint) and l.extent().contains(pointLyr)):

            if isinstance(l, QgsRasterLayer):
                renderer = l.renderer()
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                px = geo2px(pointLyr, l)
                v = RasterValueSet(, pointLyr, px)

                # !Note: b is not zero-based -> 1st band means b == 1
                if rasterbands == 'VISIBLE':
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                    if isinstance(renderer, QgsPalettedRasterRenderer):
                        bandNumbers = renderer.usesBands()
                        # sometime the rendere is set to band 0 (which does not exist)
                        # QGIS bug
                        if bandNumbers == [0] and l.bandCount() > 0:
                            bandNumbers = [1]
                        bandNumbers = renderer.usesBands()

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                elif rasterbands == 'ALL':
                    bandNumbers = list(range(1, l.bandCount()+1))
                    bandNumbers = [1]

                pt2 = QgsPointXY(pointLyr.x() + l.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() * 3,
                                 pointLyr.y() - l.rasterUnitsPerPixelY() * 3)
                ext2Px = QgsRectangle(pointLyr.x(), pt2.y(), pt2.x(), pointLyr.y())

                if l.dataProvider().name() in ['wms']:
                    for b in bandNumbers:
                        block = l.renderer().block(b, ext2Px, 3, 3)
                        assert isinstance(block, QgsRasterBlock)
                        v.bandValues.append(QColor(block.color(0, 0)))
                    results = l.dataProvider().identify(pointLyr, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue).results()
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                    classScheme = None
                    if isinstance(l.renderer(), QgsPalettedRasterRenderer):
                        classScheme = ClassificationScheme.fromRasterRenderer(l.renderer())
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                    for b in bandNumbers:
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                        if b in results.keys():
                            bandValue = results[b]

                            classInfo = None
                            if isinstance(bandValue, (int, float)) \
                                and isinstance(classScheme, ClassificationScheme) \
                                and bandValue >= 0 \
                                and bandValue < len(classScheme):
                                classInfo = classScheme[int(bandValue)]
                            info = RasterValueSet.BandInfo(b - 1, bandValue, l.bandName(b), classInfo=classInfo)
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                s = ""

            if isinstance(l, QgsVectorLayer):
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                # searchRect = QgsRectangle(pt, pt)
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                # searchRadius = QgsTolerance.toleranceInMapUnits(1, l, self.mCanvas.mapRenderer(), QgsTolerance.Pixels)
                searchRadius = QgsTolerance.toleranceInMapUnits(1, l, self.mCanvases[0].mapSettings(),
                # searchRadius = QgsTolerance.defaultTolerance(l, self.mCanvas.mapSettings())
                # searchRadius = QgsTolerance.toleranceInProjectUnits(1, self.mCanvas.mapRenderer(), QgsTolerance.Pixels)
                searchRect = QgsRectangle()
                searchRect.setXMinimum(pointLyr.x() - searchRadius);
                searchRect.setXMaximum(pointLyr.x() + searchRadius);
                searchRect.setYMinimum(pointLyr.y() - searchRadius);
                searchRect.setYMaximum(pointLyr.y() + searchRadius);

                flags = QgsFeatureRequest.ExactIntersect
                features = l.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest() \
                                         .setFilterRect(searchRect) \
                feature = QgsFeature()
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                s = VectorValueSet(l.source(), pointLyr)
                while features.nextFeature(feature):

                s = ""


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    def setCursorLocation(self, spatialPoint:SpatialPoint):
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        Set the cursor lcation to be loaded.
        :param crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
        :param point: QgsPointXY
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        assert isinstance(spatialPoint, SpatialPoint)
        self.mLocationHistory.insert(0, spatialPoint)
        if len(self.mLocationHistory) > self.mMaxPoints:
            del self.mLocationHistory[self.mMaxPoints:]

        if self.mCrs is None:
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    def updateCursorLocationInfo(self):
        # transform this point to targeted CRS
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        pt = self.cursorLocation()
        if isinstance(pt, SpatialPoint):
            pt = pt.toCrs(self.mCrs)

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    def setCanvas(self, mapCanvas):

    def setCanvases(self, mapCanvases):
        assert isinstance(mapCanvases, list)
        for c in mapCanvases:
            assert isinstance(c, QgsMapCanvas)

        if len(mapCanvases) == 0:
            setNew = True
            for c in mapCanvases:
                if c in self.mCanvases:
                    setNew = False
            if setNew:
        self.mCanvases = mapCanvases

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    def setCrs(self, crs):
        Set the coordinate reference system in which coordinates are shown
        :param crs:
        assert isinstance(crs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem)
        if crs != self.mCrs:
            self.mCrs = crs
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    def cursorLocation(self)->SpatialPoint:
        Returns the last location that was set.
        if len(self.mLocationHistory) > 0:
            return self.mLocationHistory[0]
            return None, None

class Resulthandler(QObject):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Resulthandler, self).__init__()

    def onResult(self, *args):

R = Resulthandler()