The SenseCarbon Time Series Viewer is a graphical user interface to visualize time series (TS) of remote sensing data. Major aims are
(i) to support a Quantum GIS (QGIS) based labeling of TS data,
(ii) to use remote sensing data "as is" and
(iii) to avoid a complicated installation process.
The viewer requires runs with python packages that are also part of a standard Quantum GIS (QGIS) installation. Basically only PyQt is required additionally to the standard python libraries.
The following instructions use git commands. If git is not available in your shell, you can download it from
Open your command line and clone this repository to your local QGIS Python Plugin Folder
cd %USERPROFILE%\.qgis2\python\plugins git clone
Start QGIS, go to Plugins -> Manage and Install and enable the "SenseCarbon TSV" Plugin
Download updates if available
cd %USERPROFILE%\.qgis2\python\plugins\sensecarbontsviewer git pull
- RS data can be simply added to specify a time series. Observation dates are extracted automatically by evaluating the meta data, file base name or entire file path
- spatial extends of image chips can be specified in QGIS by selection of single coodinate or rectangle
- multiple band combination can be used to visualize the time series
- color scaling is applied to the entire time series, e.g. to visualize and compare surface reflectance data
- uses python packages shipped with the most-recent standard QGIS installation. I hope this way the SenseCarbon Time Series Viewer runs on different plattforms without too many complications.
- uses the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) that supports up to 142 raster image formats
- python2 and python 3 interoperability
Missing Features / ToDo's
Your feedback (wishes, comments, bugs, ...) is always welcome. Write it into the issue section or send me personally to
Licence and Use
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.