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Commit aed9eeeb authored by Peter Stadler's avatar Peter Stadler
Browse files

added more XQuery modules

parent 63f2de48
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......@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ xquery version "3.1" encoding "UTF-8";
module namespace app-shared="";
declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace mei="";
import module namespace functx="";
import module namespace str="" at "str.xqm";
import module namespace templates="" at "/db/apps/shared-resources/content/templates.xql";
declare variable $app-shared:FUNCTION_LOOKUP_ERROR := QName("", "FunctionLookupError");
: Set an attribute to the value given in the $model map
......@@ -60,8 +59,6 @@ declare
: A non-wrapping alternative to the standard templates:each()
: Gets rid of the superfluous first list item
: At present, only $callbackArity=2 is supported
: @author Peter Stadler
......@@ -73,8 +70,8 @@ declare
if($max castable as xs:integer and $max != '0') then subsequence($model($from), 1, $max)
else $model($from)
let $callbackFunc :=
try { function-lookup(xs:QName($callback), xs:int($callbackArity)) }
catch * { core:logToFile('error', 'Failed to lookup function "' || $callback ) }
try { function-lookup(xs:QName($callback), 2) }
catch * { error($app-shared:FUNCTION_LOOKUP_ERROR, 'Failed to lookup function "' || $callback || '". Error code was "' || $err:code || '". Error message was "' || $err:description || '".') }
return (
for $item in $items
xquery version "3.1" encoding "UTF-8";
: XQuery module for caching documents and collections
module namespace cache="";
import module namespace functx="";
import module namespace wega-util-shared="" at "wega-util-shared.xqm";
declare variable $cache:TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS_ERROR := QName("", "TooManyParametersError");
declare variable $cache:UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE_ERROR := QName("", "UnsupportedParameterValueError");
: A caching function for documents (XML and binary)
: @author Peter Stadler
: @param $docURI the database URI of the document
: @param $callBack a function to create the document content when the document is outdated or not available
: @param $lease an xs:dayTimeDuration value of how long the cache should persist, e.g. P999D (= 999 days).
: Alternatively, $lease can be a callback function – then one argument (the last change date of the file as xs:date()?) will be provided
: and the function should return xs:boolean
: @return the cached document
declare function cache:doc($docURI as xs:string, $callback as function() as item(), $callback-params as item()*, $lease as item()?, $onFailure as function() as item()*) as item()* {
let $fileName := functx:substring-after-last($docURI, '/')
let $collection := functx:substring-before-last($docURI, '/')
let $currentDateTimeOfFile :=
if(wega-util-shared:doc-available($docURI)) then xmldb:last-modified($collection, $fileName)
else if(util:binary-doc-available($docURI)) then xmldb:last-modified($collection, $fileName)
else ()
let $updateNecessary :=
case xs:dayTimeDuration return
$currentDateTimeOfFile + $lease lt current-dateTime()
or empty($lease)
or empty($currentDateTimeOfFile)
case function() as xs:boolean return $lease($currentDateTimeOfFile)
default return error($cache:UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE_ERROR, 'The parameter value for $lease must be xs:dayTimeDuration()? or a function reference which must take exactly one argument.')
if($updateNecessary) then (
let $content :=
if(count($callback-params) eq 0) then $callback()
else if(count($callback-params) eq 1) then $callback($callback-params)
else if(count($callback-params) eq 2) then $callback($callback-params[1], $callback-params[2])
else if(count($callback-params) eq 3) then $callback($callback-params[1], $callback-params[2], $callback-params[3])
else if(count($callback-params) eq 4) then $callback($callback-params[1], $callback-params[2], $callback-params[3], $callback-params[4])
else error($cache:TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS_ERROR, 'Too many arguments to callback function within cache:doc(). A maximum of 4 arguments is supported')
let $mime-type := wega-util-shared:guess-mimeType-from-suffix(functx:substring-after-last($docURI, '.'))
let $store-file := cache:store-file($collection, $fileName, $content, $mime-type, $onFailure)
if(util:binary-doc-available($store-file)) then util:binary-doc($store-file)
else if(wega-util-shared:doc-available($store-file)) then doc($store-file)
else ()
else if(util:binary-doc-available($docURI)) then util:binary-doc($docURI)
else if(wega-util-shared:doc-available($docURI)) then doc($docURI)
else ()
: Store some content as file in the db
: (Helper function for cache:doc())
: @author Peter Stadler
: @param $collection the collection to put the file in. If it does not exist, it will be created
: @param $fileName the filename of the to be created resource with filename extension
: @param $contents the content to store. Either a node, an xs:string, a Java file object or an xs:anyURI
: @return Returns the path to the newly created resource, empty sequence otherwise
declare %private function cache:store-file($collection as xs:string, $fileName as xs:string, $contents as item(), $mime-type as xs:string, $onFailure as function() as item()*) as xs:string? {
let $createCollection :=
for $coll in tokenize($collection, '/')
let $parentColl := substring-before($collection, $coll)
if(xmldb:collection-available($parentColl || '/' || $coll)) then ()
else xmldb:create-collection($parentColl, $coll)
try { xmldb:store($collection, $fileName, $contents, $mime-type) }
catch * { $onFailure($err:code, $err:description) }
xquery version "3.1" encoding "UTF-8";
: XQuery module with utility functions
module namespace wega-util-shared="";
: A slight modification of the standard XPath function fn:doc-available()
: which will return false() for binary documents instead of failing
declare function wega-util-shared:doc-available($uri as xs:string?) as xs:boolean {
try {doc-available($uri)}
catch * {false()}
: Helper function for guessing a mime-type from a file extension
: (Should be expanded to read in $exist.home$/mime-types.xml)
: @author Peter Stadler
: @param $suffix the file extension
: @return the mime-type or the empty sequence when no match was found
declare function wega-util-shared:guess-mimeType-from-suffix($suffix as xs:string) as xs:string? {
case 'xml' return 'application/xml'
case 'rdf' return 'application/rdf+xml'
case 'jpg' return 'image/jpeg'
case 'png' return 'image/png'
case 'txt' return 'text/plain'
default return ()
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