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likert-row-edit-dialog.component.ts 3.14 KiB
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import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';
import { TextImageLabel, LikertRowElement } from 'common/interfaces/elements';
import { FileService } from 'common/services/file.service';
  selector: 'aspect-likert-row-edit-dialog',
  template: `
    <mat-dialog-content fxLayout="column">
        <mat-label>{{'text' | translate }}</mat-label>
        <input #textField matInput type="text" [value]="data.row.rowLabel.text">
        <mat-label>{{'id' | translate }}</mat-label>
        <input #idField matInput type="text" [value]="">

      <button mat-raised-button (click)="loadImage()">{{ 'loadImage' | translate }}</button>
      <button mat-raised-button (click)="imgSrc = null">{{ 'removeImage' | translate }}</button>
      <img [src]="imgSrc"

      <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
        <mat-label>{{'imagePosition' | translate }}</mat-label>
        <mat-select #positionSelect [value]="data.row.rowLabel.position">
          <mat-option *ngFor="let option of ['above', 'below', 'left', 'right']"
            {{ option | translate }}

      <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
        <mat-label>{{'verticalButtonAlignment' | translate }}</mat-label>
        <mat-select #verticalButtonAlignmentSelect [value]="data.row.verticalButtonAlignment">
          <mat-option *ngFor="let option of ['auto', 'center']"
            {{ option | translate }}

      <mat-form-field appearance="fill">
        <mat-label>{{'preset' | translate }}</mat-label>
        <mat-select #valueField [value]="data.row.value">
          <mat-option [value]="null">{{'propertiesPanel.undefined' | translate }}</mat-option>
          <mat-option *ngFor="let column of data.columns; let i = index" [value]="i + 1">
            {{column.text}} (Index: {{i + 1}})
      <button mat-button
                rowLabel: {
                  text: textField.value,
                  imgSrc: imgSrc,
                  position: positionSelect.value
                id: idField.value,
                value: valueField.value,
                verticalButtonAlignment: verticalButtonAlignmentSelect.value
        {{'save' | translate }}
      <button mat-button mat-dialog-close>{{'cancel' | translate }}</button>
export class LikertRowEditDialogComponent {
  constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { row: LikertRowElement, columns: TextImageLabel[] }) { }
  imgSrc: string | null =;

  async loadImage(): Promise<void> {
    this.imgSrc = await FileService.loadImage();