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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
        begin                : 2015-08-20
        git sha              : $Format:%H$
        copyright            : (C) 2017 by HU-Berlin
        email                :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import sys, re, collections, traceback, time, json, urllib, types, enum, typing, pickle, json, uuid
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Benjamin Jakimow committed

from qgis import *
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
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from eotimeseriesviewer.dateparser import DOYfromDatetime64
from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import SpatialExtent, loadUI, px2geo
gdal.SetConfigOption('VRT_SHARED_SOURCE', '0') #!important. really. do not change this.

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import numpy as np

from eotimeseriesviewer import messageLog
from eotimeseriesviewer.dateparser import parseDateFromDataSet
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def transformGeometry(geom, crsSrc, crsDst, trans=None):
    if trans is None:
        assert isinstance(crsSrc, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem)
        assert isinstance(crsDst, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem)
        return transformGeometry(geom, None, None, trans=QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDst))
        assert isinstance(trans, QgsCoordinateTransform)
        return trans.transform(geom)

for var in vars(gdal):
    match ='^GDT_(?P<type>.*)$', var)
    if match:
        number = getattr(gdal, var)
        GDAL_DATATYPES['type')] = number
        GDAL_DATATYPES[] = number

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Benjamin Jakimow committed
    "nm": -9, "um": -6, "mm": -3, "cm": -2, "dm": -1, "m": 0, "hm": 2, "km": 3
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#add synonyms
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def convertMetricUnit(value, u1, u2):
    assert u1 in METRIC_EXPONENTS.keys()
    assert u2 in METRIC_EXPONENTS.keys()


    return value * 10**(e1-e2)
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def getDS(pathOrDataset)->gdal.Dataset:
    Returns a gdal.Dataset
    :param pathOrDataset: str | gdal.Dataset | QgsRasterLayer
    if isinstance(pathOrDataset, QgsRasterLayer):
        return getDS(pathOrDataset.source())
    elif isinstance(pathOrDataset, gdal.Dataset):
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    elif isinstance(pathOrDataset, str):
        ds = gdal.Open(pathOrDataset)
        assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
        return ds
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def sensorID(nb:int, px_size_x:float, px_size_y:float, dt:int, wl:list, wlu:str)->str:
    Create a sensor ID
    :param nb: number of bands
    :param px_size_x: pixel size x
    :param px_size_y: pixel size y
    :param wl: list of wavelength
    :param wlu: str, wavelength unit
    :return: str
    assert dt in GDAL_DATATYPES.values()
    assert isinstance(nb, int) and nb > 0
    assert isinstance(px_size_x, (int, float)) and px_size_x > 0
    assert isinstance(px_size_y, (int, float)) and px_size_y > 0
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    if wl != None:
        assert isinstance(wl, list)
        assert len(wl) == nb

    if wlu != None:
        assert isinstance(wlu, str)

    return json.dumps((nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu))

def sensorIDtoProperties(idString:str)->tuple:
    Reads a sensor id string and returns the sensor properties. See sensorID().
    :param idString: str
    :return: (ns, px_size_x, px_size_y, [wl], wlu)
    nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu = json.loads(idString)
    assert isinstance(dt, int) and dt >= 0
    assert isinstance(nb, int)
    assert isinstance(px_size_x, (int,float)) and px_size_x > 0
    assert isinstance(px_size_y, (int, float)) and px_size_y > 0
    if wl != None:
        assert isinstance(wl, list)
    if wlu != None:
        assert isinstance(wlu, str)

    return nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu

class SensorInstrument(QObject):
    Describes a Sensor Configuration
    SensorNameSettingsPrefix = 'SensorName.'
    sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
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    LUT_Wavelengths = dict({'B': 480,
                            'G': 570,
                            'R': 660,
                            'nIR': 850,
                            'swIR': 1650,
                            'swIR1': 1650,
                            'swIR2': 2150
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    def __init__(self, sid:str, sensor_name:str=None, band_names:list = None):
        super(SensorInstrument, self).__init__()
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        self.mId = sid
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        self.nb, self.px_size_x, self.px_size_y, self.dataType, self.wl, self.wlu = sensorIDtoProperties(self.mId)
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        if not isinstance(band_names, list):
            band_names = ['Band {}'.format(b+1) for b in range(self.nb)]
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        assert len(band_names) == self.nb
        self.bandNames = band_names
        self.wlu = self.wlu
        if self.wl is None:
            self.wl = None
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            self.wl = np.asarray(self.wl)
            sensor_name = '{}bands@{}m'.format(self.nb, self.px_size_x)
            import eotimeseriesviewer.settings
            sensor_name = eotimeseriesviewer.settings.value(self._sensorSettingsKey(), sensor_name)
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        self.mName = ''
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Benjamin Jakimow committed
        self.hashvalue = hash(self.mId)
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        from eotimeseriesviewer.tests import TestObjects
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        import uuid
        path = '/vsimem/mockupImage.{}.bsq'.format(uuid.uuid4())
        self.mMockupDS = TestObjects.inMemoryImage(path=path, nb=self.nb, eType=self.dataType, ns=2, nl=2)
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    def bandIndexClosestToWavelength(self, wl, wl_unit='nm')->int:
        Returns the band index closets to a certain wavelength
        :param wl: float | int
        :param wl_unit: str
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