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Pull mirroring updated .
- Nov 24, 2021
rhenck authored
The tooltip declarations does not need escaped text. Was shawing one to many backslashes.
rhenck authored
Min-height should be optional for dynamically positioned elements, as you usually don't need it and it causes more problems than it solves. Elements with min-height have cause unexpected margins between elements.
- Nov 23, 2021
jojohoch authored
- Nov 20, 2021
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
The font size is applied by setting the list style. This is a workaround, since the list extension does not support setting font size directly. It takes the selected font size (which is now saved ina variable) and applies it. This is indepent of the font size of the text in the list. The item font size is done individually with a span anyway. Also font size and list style droplist now (re-)apply the value on click of an item. This allows updating font sizes and list styles without having to select another option first. - Add a new variable to save the selected font size and reuse it for list styles.
rhenck authored
(when not set)
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
No longer needs the appropriate section, but instead loops through all page sections. It was somewhat complicated to know the corresponding section and this solution solves that. Though at the price of some unnecessary element lookup. Another upside is that elements from different sections can be deleted simultaneously.
- Nov 19, 2021
rhenck authored
A new variable is introduced for CompoundComponents: "allowClickThrough". With this set components can set their children and overlays to allow clicking on child elements or not. In the editor this is not wanted as the elements internal structure is different and the resulting event target can not be reliably styled. There we need the (span) overlay. In the player though elements should be clickable as usual. The player can completely ignore this setting as it is on true (allowing clicking) by default.
rhenck authored
Need to bubble the event further up to where there is a section reference.
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
Was not correctly setting the pointer event for ClozeComponents.
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
This uses a special event fired only by ClozeComponent, but potentially future compound elements as well. The selection service gets a special method bypassing the usual selection logic and just firing the selection event for the props panel.
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
Similar to a text element but parses the text on change an replaces markers with actual elements. The text is then displayed inline with the elements.
rhenck authored
- Nov 18, 2021
rhenck authored
- Images now scale up and down depending on the available space. - The new property controls the first (column) size parameter for the grid. The others are fixed at 1. Decimal values are allowed for fine-tuned control. This prop is passed on to the child likert-row component. It uses the same grid and needs this info for proper alignment with the column headers. - Remove unnecessary div in likert
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
This looked bad having a null value in the DOM. 16 is the default font size of the app right now.
rhenck authored
- Reordered the buttons to make it look nicer (but still make sence logically) - Put some more divs with flex layouting to prevent elements moving unexpextedly. - Changed color and list inputs to split-buttons. Those compone a button with a dropdown. - The editor now saves the set color and it can be applied to subsequent selections as well.
rhenck authored
ProseMirror seems not to allow editing text nodes. Since a text node can be a child of an element being applied the bullet list to, it fails for that text element. It seems it was workingly correctly before. The error seen on the console was inconsequential since we don't want to apply attributes to pure text nodes anyway. This change at least removes this error.
- Nov 12, 2021
rhenck authored
This shows a outline on potential dropLists when dragging an item.
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
- Remove grab cursor from the canvas as it is no longer draggable (was in an earlier version) - Fix element visual overlaying the resize element. Now the actual element is hidden, while the resize is going on. Element cursor are changed so that there is a 'grab' cursor on hover and a 'grabbing' cursor while active (clicked but not dragged yet) and while dragging. The resize cursor always stays the same, as there is not alternative active curser (like grab/grabbing) for this. On the dynamic overlay the curser cannot be set while the element is being dragged. I assume it is because of 'relative' positioning. The element is taken out of the DOM and pointer events don't work, including cursors. This is why the body needs to be cursor-styled. Cursors are set dynamically in the component via CSS class. When dragging starts it is set and removed when it ends.
- Nov 11, 2021
rhenck authored
Also add an additional direct input for font color.
rhenck authored
Move the first tab to it's own component. File still is way to long and unwieldy.
rhenck authored
rhenck authored
This structure moves closer to the structure template the team decided on. Components and services are kept in dedicated folders instead of following the logical code structure. This is still not the case here as the unit-view component is still nested, but it's closer.
rhenck authored
Now correctly uses the multiline dialog.
rhenck authored
Use global styles and remove unecessary styling commands. The dialog window will mostly size itself.
rhenck authored
Use separate method with a name to know what this nested loop is for.
jojohoch authored
All elements now use the elementValueChanged event. Also formValueChanged is changed.
- Nov 10, 2021